Meet The Team!
Our team consists of award-winning writers, entrepreneurs, and marketing strategists who have a flair for the Southern California lifestyle, including beach life, outdoor living and tacos.
Neal Bloom
Runner, investor, mixologist, scientist & engineer, ecosystem & company builder. CEO & entrepreneur.
Iris Grootenhuis
Hiker, yogi, summer surfer & music lover Communications & Marketing Associate.
Minji Kim
Travel guru, business psychology major & recent graduate of UCSD. Marketing & Social Media Associate
Dylan Greher
Beach goer, planet lover, curious and inquisitive learner Intern.
Jared Criscuolo
Surfer, sustainability & environmental activist. History of connecting people to the land. Founder & Chief Strategist.
Taylor Doran
Wife, mother, interior design hobbyist, nature lover. Executive Assistant.
Elizabeth Ireland
Creative type, PA transplant, culture enthusiast, lover of dogs & underdogs. Writer.
Avery Guest
Outdoors enthusiast, runner, lifter, climber & backpacker curious about all that crosses her path. Intern.
Corinne Wolfe
San Diego native, mom, wife, pilates fanatic, travel enthusiast & movie aficionado. Project Management Director
Tatianna Opielowski
Outdoor lover, hiker, wife and mom. Equal parts creative & strategist. Designer.
Theresa Hoiles
Wife, mother, nature admirer. Copywriter with over 10 years in entertainment, Internet & advertising. Writer & editor.