Life in Action Recruiter Brings Top Talent To Carlsbad

Originally published at on April 13, 2022.

Carlsbad companies are finding it a little bit easier to recruit top talent locally and from around the world, thanks to the city’s “Life in Action Recruiter” initiative.

The tool, which is an extension of the city’s Life in Action campaign, helps job seekers learn about exciting career opportunities and innovative companies in Carlsbad.

“Ultimately, we are working to build a better talent pipeline to Carlsbad employers,” said Matt Sanford, the city’s economic development manager. “We know the competition for talent is at an all-time high, and any way we can be supportive is a win for Carlsbad.”

Companies in Carlsbad are constantly hiring and looking for local talent.

The city works with RoleCall, a talent attraction agency, to update the Life in Action website with forms and links job seekers can use to share their information and resumes and get recruited by Carlsbad companies.

The initiative, still in the pilot phase, has already led to the creation of more than 150 profiles of people interested in a Carlsbad career. 

“Response to Carlsbad’s Life in Action Recruiter has been strong and continues to grow,” Sanford said.

The city partnered with RoleCall on the recruiter tool to help job seekers, but also to help local companies and business owners attract new talent, from entry-level workers to top-level managers.  

“We know in talking with our many innovation industry companies, that finding the right talent is a top concern,” Sanford said. “Life in Action Recruiter is just one tool Carlsbad has to help our companies proactively address this challenge.”

Job seekers opt into the personalized recruiting portal to enable the city to start the matching process by sharing candidates with local employers. 

The tool went live in August 2021. In just four months, it generated 249 leads in 11 industries, including the communications, health care, life sciences, sales and sports innovation sectors.

“The nature of work is changing rapidly with companies searching for key talent among nationwide and sometimes global competition,” Sanford said. “Carlsbad’s recruiter tool helps target those efforts by identifying individuals who are expressing interest in a Carlsbad career and finding those with experience and interest in key fields.”

With this tool Carlsbad is leading the nation in innovative, trackable talent attraction. The city is now working on expanding the program for its second year.

Carlsbad companies know how to live a #LifeinAction in and out of the office.

“Life in Action Recruiter is finishing its pilot year,” Sanford said. “As we move forward, we are pursuing opportunities to scale this program from a few hundred people to a few thousand people and to engage dozens of key Carlsbad employers.”

The co-founders of RoleCall, Winona Dimeo-Ediger and Tim Carty, said the next phase of the project will include delivering custom content about Carlsbad to candidates based on their interests, as well as connecting talent with locals who can help them feel welcome in the community. Additionally, there will possibly be in-person events so that potential residents can experience the city firsthand.

“The next phase of our work with Carlsbad will include engaging area employers to ensure incoming talent is meeting their specific needs, and spreading the word nationally about the opportunities in Carlsbad and how to get recruited and make your move,” said Dimeo-Ediger, chief creative officer of RoleCall. “We’re very excited to share Carlsbad’s unique value proposition with potential residents and give them a path to get here.”

Carty, chief strategy officer of RoleCall, echoed that the team is excited for the next steps of the project. 

“Carlsbad is an innovative and forward-thinking community that’s not content to replicate what’s happening around the country,” Carty said. “They are always embracing and implementing cutting-edge solutions, and we intend to keep pushing this new version of talent attraction forward.”

Carlsbad companies interested in participating in the program can contact the Life in Action team at

Interested talent as well as current and prospective Carlsbad residents can sign up for the program here.