Smoke Testing Video for Leucadia Wastewater District

Written by Iris Grootenhuis

We made a video for our client, the Leucadia Wastewater District, on the importance of smoke testing. 

Smoke testing offers a way for the District’s Field Services Technicians to detect storm water intrusion within the sewage collection system. Through this video, see how smoke testing helps protect the sewer system and keeps our waterways and communities clean.

Did you know the sewer and stormwater systems are completely separate systems? Yet often cracked/open sewer lateral cleanout caps let in rain water into the sewer system, overflowing the system for what it was designed for.

By injecting non-toxic smoke into the sewer system, we can detect the integrity of both the sewer system infrastructure and individual property connections.

As the smoke works its way from a manhole up individual laterals, a correct property connection looks like smoke coming out of drain vents out of the roofs.

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An improper connection looks like smoke coming out of grass, clean-outs, bare pipes, or other areas which clearly show how water can get into the sewer system. If seen during smoke testing, a property is made aware that repairs need to be made.


To help with this repair to keep rainwater out of the sewer system, the District offers a grant to offset costs. For more info on the District’s sewer lateral grant offered, check out

Explore & learn more by checking out the video on Leucadia Wastewater District’s website and Facebook.